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Specialized Care

Sometimes you or your loved one may need special care that goes beyond what a home care worker can normally perform, for example skilled nursing or therapy services.

When an individual does not have family or friends that can perform these tasks, here are some options. Click on the link to find out more information:

  • Home Health Skilled Nursing and Therapy Services: nurses and/or therapists provide services in individuals’ homes.
  • Self-Directed Care: allows an individual who is able to supervise and direct a paid home care worker and is physically unable to perform skilled nursing tasks themselves; to direct the paid worker to perform those tasks.
  • Nurse Delegation: allows paid in-home care workers to receive special authority to administer some medications or do some procedures that might otherwise require a family member or other medical professional to be present.
  • Hospice care: helps people spend their last days with dignity and quality surrounded by the people they love. It stresses pain relief and comfort measures rather than prolonging life.

Connect with Your Local CLC.

Washington’s Community Living Connections staff are available to help you explore your options to meet your current needs or create a plan for the future.

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Long-term services
In your home
Support for Family Caregivers
In your community
In other Settings
Alzheimer’s and Dementia
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