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Nutrition Programs

Nutrition programs help older adults’ and individuals with disabilities’ with nutrition if they find it hard to prepare meals on their own.

What are nutrition programs?

Nutrition programs may deliver meals to an individual’s home, or the person could go to a location where meals are served to a group. Registered dietitians plan or review the menus. Other nutrition programs provide vouchers to seniors and families with children to purchase fresh fruit and vegetables at local farmers markets.

Many for-profit businesses offer food delivery services for older adults and individuals with disabilities.

What should I look for in a Nutrition program?

Find out if the program can provide meals when and where you need them. Make sure the program can deal with your special dietary needs. Check if the program can provide liquid or chopped meals, if needed.

Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Programs provides fresh fruit and vegetables to lower-income seniors and supports local farming by increasing the use of farmers markets, roadside stands, and community supported agriculture. Learn more...

How do I pay for a Nutrition program?

Most meal programs are low-priced or free and available to people of any income level. Federal, state or local agencies often help pay for these programs. In some cases, religious organizations or community groups sponsor these nutrition programs. Donations are welcome.

Connect with Your Local CLC.

Washington’s Community Living Connections staff are available to help you explore your options to meet your current needs or create a plan for the future.

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